We will not leave you alone
We will not leave you alone

FMD and More: You Have our Support

Put us on speed dial for all things FMD. medAspis is your first point of contact for all questions related to the Falsified Medicines Directive and Lean FMD. With our support, we will be with you every step of the way.

medAspis Support Hotline

for customers and (as yet) non-customers

FMD is a complicated subject. We are happy to answer all questions about FMD. Whether they are about our Lean FMD system or other related topics.

For customers and (as yet) non-customers.

How do you create an account with Lean FMD? How do you register with NMVS? And how do you start the scanning process? Find all the answers and more in our online Lean FMD tutorial or print it out.

Download the tutorial:

Tutorial in German
Tutorial in English

Online tutorial

With our FMD Compliance Check-up, we analyse and evaluate all critical alerts of your company.

To the Compliance Check-up

Defective FMD Speed Scanner? Request a new one immediately. We will send you a loaner within 24 hours. And we will sort out later whether we’re dealing with a warranty case or a repair with costs. The main thing is that you can continue scanning quickly.

Exchange service

Is there an error message that you cannot classify? Is there a suspicion of forgery? Simply call the medAspis Alert Team or use the online alert form. Our offer is not only for customers, but for anyone who has questions.

medAspis Alert Team
+49 211 542629-50

Alert message

Request Lean FMD free of charge for a test under actual conditions and experience for yourself how fast FMD can be. You will receive the Speed Scanner and all the information you need to get started. We will also advise you on how best to integrate Lean FMD into your processes.

Test device

Request new Aggregation Codes free of charge.

Aggregation Codes

Do you need to validate software in use? Use our Validation Toolkit to check all functions in a simple and structured way. Simply request our toolkit. Each additional system change is documented on a continuing basis and helps you to keep up to date quickly and efficiently with release changes.

Validation Toolkit

medAspis download service: always well informed

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