This system is only used in Germany.
First, the button “Download Certificate” opens a new window in which the securPharm certificate can be loaded. To download the certificate, the customer has received a so-called company number N-ID (format APOxxxxxx) and a password from NMVO. These two values are entered in the fields provided and acknowledged with “OK” at the top of the window.
The window closes again and the certificate downloaded from the NMVS in the meantime is displayed. Now the process must be saved in the securPharm main window by clicking the “Save” button at the top of the window.
If you have already downloaded your certificate from NGDA yourself, you will have a file with your company number as “Name and. p12” as suffix (APOxxxx.p12).
Please click on the green plus at the input field “Certificate” first. A new window opens:
In this window the certificate can be uploaded, the corresponding password must be entered in the field “PRIVATE KEY PASSWORD”, the “PUBLIC KEY TOKEN” must remain empty.
The process is completed, the system is connected to securPharm.
Continue to the next step: Registering users at the Speed Scanner >