Working with the Speed Scanner

First, the required FMD operation is selected via the FMD menu on the Speed Scanner. If no selection is made, the default operation is “verify”.

Available FMD operations

All FMD operations provided by the NMVO are applicable in the medAspis system. Some of the operations are locked for pharmacies. However, they are still displayed in the menu. If a non-permitted operation is performed, an error message is returned by the NMVS.

Menu option

mark pack as destroyed
mark pack as exported
mark pack as sample
mark pack as free sample
mark pack as locked
mark pack as stolen
reactivate pack

Transfer the recorded code to the NMVS

The Speed Scanner immediately sends all captured records to the medAspis FMD server. Here the code is prepared and sent for processing to the NMVS. As soon as the result is sent back, the response is forwarded to the Speed Scanner.

Scan a 2D matrix code

The Speed Scanner captures a 2D matrix code from a medicine box and processes the captured data stream. If the scanned code does not correspond to the expected syntax in GS1 coding or PPN coding (only available in Germany), the scanning process is aborted and the message “NO FMD” is displayed. The scan attempt is also displayed in the Scan History with the same result.

The Scan Accelerator

The SpeedScanner is able to scan faster than the NMVS can process the codes. Only one request can be made to the NMVS at a time. The unprocessed requests from the Speed Scanner go into a queue if the NMVS is slower than the Speed Scanner sends requests.

The number of records in the queue is displayed on the Speed Scanner. With fast scanning and slow NMVS, with technically undisturbed operation, up to 5 packs can be expected in the queue.

Processing of NMVS Response

Both the Unique Identifier scanned by the 2D Matrix Code and the data set returned by the NMVS are stored completely in the data structure of the medAspis FMD system. The result is analysed and interpreted. The corresponding result is shown in the Speed Scanner display and saved in the Scan History.

Batch Control

The Batch Control option can be switched on in the settings of the Speed Scanner. The Speed Scanner gives a warning if a batch or product code is scanned differently from a reference pack.

The reference pack is determined by the first scan after a counter reset in the Speed Scanner screen at the bottom left.

Data collection only

Packs can also be captured without the data records being automatically forwarded to the responsible NMVS. To make this state clearer, the symbol is displayed in blue.

Reading Crypto Codes

In addition to processing FMD codes, the hand-held device is also able to read Crypto Codes. These crypto codes are common in Russia, and countries such as Kazakhstan also use this type of code.

Attention: The medAspis Lean FMD system cannot verify Crypto Codes, it can only read them.