From time to time, the access certificates must be renewed.
The procedures differ depending on the Blueprint provider:
The renewal of your certificate is requested via the NGDA portal. You will then receive a letter from the NGDA containing a TAN that you can now use in your medAspis Control Panel.
The required field can be found in the menu in the Control Panel under the securPharm Access tab. Click on “Download certificate” to open a window in which you will be asked for your NID (establishment number, beginning with APO) and a one-time password. Please enter the password you received from the NGDA and click OK. The certificate is uploaded automatically.
“Save” the changes and the new certificate is activated and connected to your account.
If you have already downloaded the certificate (.p12 file) via the NGDA portal, you can also include it directly as a file in your ControlPanel.
To do this, please click on the green “+” symbol under ControlPanel/securPharm Access, “search” your PC for the certificate and enter the certificate password in the “Private Key Password” column. The column “Public Key Token” should remain empty.
“Save” the changes and the new certificate is activated and connected to your account.
Please do not forget to complete the process by pressing the SAVE button.
You must request a new certificate from your NMVO. In the example presented here, this is SEVeM, the Spanish NMVO. In this case, the response is a user name, a TAN code and a URL.
Please go to this URL and log in with the username and password you already have. Attention: The username consists of two parts separated by a “/”. Here: “7GRDISCASTILLALEON/7USDIS158415304”)
Please download the certificate from the website of your NMVO. You will need the TAN from the letter you received.
During the loading process, another window opens with a password. Please take a screenshot of this window or write down this password.
Once this process is complete, the certificate will be on your computer as a file. In the directory you specified for the download or in the standard directory for downloads from the Internet.
The best thing to do is to edit the file name of the certificate and append the current year. So that you don’t get confused with the different certificates in the coming years.
From now on, the process continues in the medAspis Control Panel. Please go to the Account tab in the menu.
The previous certificate is entered under the heading “certificate”. Please press the green plus sign. Another window opens, the certificate can be uploaded from the directory of your computer
Use the Browse button to start the upload process. Once the certificate has been found and confirmed, please enter the password you received. Reminder: This password was provided to you by your NMVO:
Enter the password. The Token field remains empty.
Please do not forget to end the process by pressing the SAVE button at the top of the screen. You have now set up your new certificate.