The Scan History always starts with the preset filter “Today”, so only the scans from the same day are displayed. The list may then be empty if no scans have been performed on that day. The desired period can be selected by simply changing the drop-down menu. The setting “No Date Filter” shows all entries in the scan history. If other time filters are to be used, the filtering of the date in the date column is available at any time.
Sorting each individual column of the Scan History table is possible by clicking on the respective column header. The sorting is indicated by an arrow symbol to the right of the column title. Clicking again reverses the sort order.
The default setting is sorting by date. The most recent entry is displayed at the top.
The data sets can be filtered as required, all filters can be combined. Each column has a funnel symbol next to the heading. Clicking on the funnel symbol displays a window with which a filtering of the corresponding column can be carried out.
The date can be narrowed down with start and end date. A specific serial number can be filtered, a specific expiry date, a specific pack status, etc.
Set filters can be deleted by clicking on the “Clear” function at the bottom right of the screen.
Directly under the table headings, you will find a direct search function for most columns. In the case of predefined column contents, the contents can be selected directly via an expanding context menu.
Combinations of filters in different columns are possible. The selected search filters are summarised in text form in the sub-line and can be completely cleared again at any time by clicking on the word “clear”.
Attention: Only those columns can be searched, sorted or filtered for which this option has a practical use. Otherwise, the column search is not available.
The selected and filtered data can be exported. All displayed parameters (displayed columns) and entries (displayed rows) can be exported from the system to CSV, XLS, XLSX and pdf formats. The data is provided via the download function of the browser.
If the number of records to be downloaded exceeds the technical capacity of the system, the export will not be car-ried out; instead, a short note will appear with the corresponding information.
All additional information can be displayed for each individual scan by clicking on the respective line.
If the handheld device does not have a direct Internet connection during operation, the data is temporarily stored for this time and immediately uploaded to the server as soon as the Internet connection is available again.
The data is displayed in the scan history and marked as offline (not online). With the filter functionality of the table column, all offline scans can be found and displayed immediately.
It is not known to the system whether these offline scans should be sent to the NMVS or not. Only the user knows if another scan has been made in the meantime or if the offline scan was made so long ago that it has been obsolete in the meantime.
For this reason, the entries marked as offline in the scan history must be activated individually and manually. To do this, click on the relevant line and scan the 2D matrix code with a hand scanner. With this information, the content concerned can be processed. The scan creates a new entry in the scan history.
If there are several offline entries to be processed, you can easily switch to the next entry in the detail view by clicking the next button. If the offline filter was previously activated, only offline scans are included in the detail views.
The context menu can be opened by clicking the right mouse button on the table heading. The following functions can be started:
Sort Ascending, Sort Descending: The selected column can be displayed sorted.
Hide Column: The selected column is removed from the table.
Column Chooser: An additional menu is displayed on the right side of the page. All columns are listed that can be displayed in addition to the existing overview. To activate one of these columns, move the desired column title from the displayed list with the mouse and insert it into the table at the desired position. The table will then always appear in this modified view.
Filter Row: With this function the search field of the columns can be shown or hidden.
Footer: An additional blank line is displayed below the displayed rows. In this line, another context menu can be acti-vated by clicking the right mouse button again. In this menu, for example, a counting function can be activated. The number of lines currently selected is then displayed.