Create an account

In principle, customers can register with medAspis themselves and manage their details.

Log on to the system

The medAspis system can be reached at A login field appears. In the lower right corner of the blue login field, click the button with the figure and the key.

Another window with registration queries opens.

The parameters requested for the registration process are:







Future access under this name

Future password with high complexity

According to this country specification, the competent NMVO is selected

Additional information on registration

Language used in Speed Scanner and Control Panel

Wholesale or pharmacy for system control

The complexity of the password

The password must not be too simple, it must be subject to a certain complexity. It is up to the user how to achieve this complexity. Basically, the following factors are included in the complexity calculation of the password:
  • Password length
  • Use of upper and lower case
  • Use of special characters
  • Use of digits

There is no rule that prescribes to use all the complexity elements mentioned above. A password can be complex enough if you do not use special characters, but the length of the password already forms a sufficient complexity.

Complete organisation

After entering this data, the control panel opens and further data of the organisation is requested. These are the name and address as well as a responsible person for further communication. This completes the registration process.

Continue to the next step: Register Speed Scanner >